January, 2021
Striker's Ambition
Sorry, Gordon Gecko, but greed is not good.
Greed and fear may rule the markets, but careful investors see them as dangerous enemies. As Charles Dickens' fictional hero David Copperfield told the villainous Uriah Heep, "there never were greed and cunning in the world yet, that did not do too much, and overreach."
The problem with greed for investors is that while it's easy to condemn at a safe distance, it's much harder to resist the siren song in the heat of battle. A trader who sees his position spike above the profit target may see his joy evaporate as the market quickly turns on him.
In fact, of all the faults a trader may have, greed may be the most destructive. It is a great temptation for investors in part because greed is occasionally rewarded. This brings the false message that one may deviate from the plan and still achieve a windfall.
Thus, greed takes a positive attribute, ambition, and twists it to ruin. The mirage of future profits can dazzle, but what can ambitious investors do to achieve their financial goals while resisting this seduction?
One step in the right direction is to get a clear picture of market performance before trading a strategy.
The legendary Northwestern University professor Abe Peck is said to tell his journalism students every semester, "If your mother says she loves you, check it out." The same rule can apply for investors. Doing careful research into investment claims can pay dividends over the long haul.
This is the essence of Striker's ambition: to give investors a careful record of actual trading performance for market strategies. For over a decade, Striker has provided research and data for ambitious investors, helping them chart a course for achieving their financial goals.
Every day, Striker provides actual trading results for the day's trading activity, while tracking long term performance for all active strategies, including commissions. Striker's experienced team of investment professionals has monitored systems for over ten years. Clients can audit system performance themselves, or consult Striker's professionals in choosing optimal trading strategy.
Like good science, successful investing requires good data. Striker is a valuable source for that data. Armed with the truth, investors have a powerful antidote to greed, and a clearer view forward.
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There is a risk of loss in trading. It is the nature of commodity and securities trading that where there is the opportunity for profit, there is also the risk of loss. Commodity trading involves a certain degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Derivative transactions, including futures, are complex and carry the risk of substantial losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please read additional risk matters on our web site, www.striker.com. It is important you understand all the risks involved with trading, and you should only trade with risk capital. This communication is intended for the sole use of the intended recipient.
About this report The information and links on this website are for informational purposes. The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether this is a suitable investment. Past performance, whether actual or indicated by simulated historical tests of strategies, is not indicative of future results. Striker is a member of the National Futures Association ("NFA"), the Managed Funds Association ("MFA"), and the National Introducing Broker Association ("NIBA"). Striker is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"), and was formerly registered with the Securities Exchange Commission ("SEC"). Additionally, Striker is a former member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA"), and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation ("SIPC"). FINRA is the largest non-governmental regulator for all securities business in the United States. Please read Striker Disclosure Statement for the additional disclosure.
The trading performance cited throughout our web site is based on actual trading history, unless otherwise noted. The starting account balance is based on the system developer recommendation. Striker tracks actual performance by recording and maintaining each trade ticket for each system generated. The performance information assumes that no additions or withdrawals have been made. The rate of return for all systems disclosed in the Striker Report is cumulative from the day the system actually started trading at Striker. We maintain a "life" track for all 3rd party systems. We do not necessarily base our records on any particular client account. No one particular customer has achieved these results. The percentage returns reflect inclusion of commissions and fees.The actual percentage gains/losses experienced by investors will vary depending on many factors, including, but not limited to: starting account balances, market behavior, the duration and extent of investor participation (whether or not a client takes all signals for a system) in the specified system and money management techniques.
Striker is a revolutionary concept in action: an international, professional team of brokers dedicated to trading only for clients. It bears repeating: unlike most other brokers, Striker does NOT trade futures for itself or any of its employees. This policy has been in place from the start in order to guarantee that our entire focus remains on the interests of our clientele. Striker believes that when brokers are allowed to trade for themselves (or have in-house trading practices) there is a strong potential for conflict of interest, as the broker may place more importance on his own trading activities (or that of his firm's) than on those of his clients. Finally, Striker has no financial ties to system developers, so there no bias or pressure on how we report the actual trading results posted in our client section. This section is designed specifically for Striker's clients, so they may audit their results on a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual basis.