Tim Rea
Owner, Auto Trading Systems
Program(s) Developed: Trading Systems - Countertrend (ES), Advantage DT (ES), Countertrend (TY), Countertrend (TU), Pullback DT (GC), CoreDue (S), Countertrend (US) Portfolios - Non Index Alernative Portfolio, Sector Blend Portfolio, Index and Interest Portfolio
Interviewed by John F. Gallwas - Founder of Striker Securities, Inc.
Tim Rea is a professional trader, who has computerized his personal trading systems so that he, through his vendor division Auto Trading Systems, can also lease his proprietary trading systems to other traders. The systems are all short- term trading systems, based on a variety of interactive trading technologies. Not only does he offer single systems, but several multi-system and futures portfolios at Striker which he personally trades. Actual trading results for systems can be found in the client section at Striker.com. Tim resides in Nelson, New Zealand.
John Gallwas: How is that a successful business man like you, living in New Zealand, become a professional trader and then a trader/system developer?
Tim Rea: I have always been fascinated with the markets. A number of years ago I was fortunate enough to have the time, the determination and the financial resources to pursue this area of business. I also enjoy the challenge of developing systems to trade my own accounts and the vendor side is a good way to benchmark with others and get something for all the work that goes into this. John Gallwas: Your menu of fully automated trading systems use a variety of technical tools to produce short-term trading signals for a number of futures markets. Is there a common trading theory for your trading systems or are they based on different parameters? Tim Rea: I like diversity so use a variety of underlying methods but there are some common themes within that. I like trading in areas when the market looks overdone where contractions may be likely but also recognize breakouts and trend runs as valid reasons to trade and these are some of the other methods I use. John Gallwas: Do you update your systems when market conditions change or are they self-correcting? Tim Rea: With what I use at Striker generally they will adapt to the market however if I think I have an improvement I can make I will. John Gallwas: As our readers know, Striker believes that diversification is a good idea and we are pleased to see that you offer trading system portfolios. Tell us about the portfolios you are personally trading at Striker. Tim Rea: I like to spread both my risk and opportunity wide for both methods and markets traded. I am of the view a portfolio of systems and markets traded may have a better chance to have more acceptable draw downs when individual systems within them are not going well. The portfolios offered at Striker are intended to try to achieve that with a small to modest account size either on their own, together, or for diversity with what you may already use. A point of difference I offer is all these include contracts other than the just the stock index futures which may be useful when taking a portfolio of systems approach. John Gallwas: What are your own risk/reward attitudes? With my own risk/reward I accept draw downs are a reality in trading and tend to stick with it. As I trade many different methods and contracts in addition to what is currently seen in Striker. This larger Portfolio approach in my own trading has been helpful in keeping draw downs modest on a per system averaged basis and no one system will impact too much if its not going well. I have a reasonable tolerance for risk trading my own systems however some customers may prefer to use more funds than the suggested minimum to suit their own risk profile. John Gallwas: Do you have anything in the "What's New" category you would like to share with our readers? Tim Rea: As I am trading many more systems we may add in another portfolio with different contracts and/or methods that I already trade but not currently seen at Striker to offer further diversity for your clients. I have done the Series 3 now so can register as a CTA and longer term may also offer some managed programs for futures and forex that may suit both smaller private clients as well as larger customers.
This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be
a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of
trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider
whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
Developers Interviewed:
![]() Thomas Stridsman (Alfa Axiom Fund, of Alfakraft AB, a Swedish fund management company.) ![]()
Published at Striker Securities, Inc.
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