striker report
John C. Needham
Author, market analyst, and owner of DanielCode Online
Program(s) Developed: Danielcode Online
Interviewed by John F. Gallwas, Founder of Striker Securities
John Needham is a well known and highly regarded author and market analyst in Australia, who lives and works by the shore of Lake Taupo, New Zealand, over 8,300 air miles from Chicago. Mr. Needham, through extensive research, has demystified Chapter 12 of the Bible's Old Testament Book of Daniel, using proprietary algorithms to convert the biblical "time" referenced into "price" point indicator for support and resistance levels of a market. Mr. Needham, a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, Australia, is the owner of Danielcode Online that offers market educational and consulting services. He is also highly regarded as a financial lecturer and we are pleased to sponsor one of his seminars here in Chicago at the prestigious Union League Club on August 16, 2010
John Gallwas: In our last interview we learned that it was your experience with the Sydney Stock Exchange that led you to a law practice that specialized in commercial law and corporate activities, that perked your interest in the financial markets and the eventual discovery of Daniel number sequence in Book of Daniel. Please tell us again about these numbers.

John Needham: The Daniel numbers are leading indicators as opposed to almost all other market tools which are lagging indicators, and this distinction is not generally known to market participants, which is important. In addition, the Daniel number sequence is not another variation of any known market analysis methodology because it is based on number sequences that are thousands of years old. Finally the trading method we use is reasonably short term (1-3) days. All markets turn at their Danielcode numbers, and based on our experience, we are able to forecast a high percentage of those market turns. It does require analytical skills on the part of the trader to be able to distinguish between a number that recognizes a Danielcode price level and DC numbers that will turn the market.

John Gallwas: How have you improved your service to make it more "user friendly"?

John Needham: It became apparent to me that this information alone was insufficient for clients to be able benefit with their trading. As a result, I started to publish what I called the T.03 signals, which are reversal signals that are created by various studies in conjunction with the Danielcode numbers. From there we have gone on to add a raft of measures to create a cohesive program for all levels of traders. What has become apparent to me on this journey is that there is a deep seated desire among traders to learn how to trade, but in this modern fast paced world there is a lack of time to undertake the necessary study. Now for old guys like you and me this can be measured in decades, so that's why we have made our service more "trader friendly". As a result the following are the steps we have taken to improve our service:
  1. T.03 Plus: This is a more advanced trade signal program that compliment the basic T.03 signals and a new range of continuation signals which include, inside bar, and continuation trades.
  2. DC Trade Program: Every day this service takes the entries from the T.03 Plus signals and creates the correct entry and stop loss points, the first target, and calculates the correlated trades and the necessary reductions in the number of contracts to be traded. In simpler terms this is a web program that you are able to type your account balance into, and also the risk that your trading plan allows (I recommend 1% or 2%, no more) and the program will then calculate the exact number of contracts for each of the signals after it has calculated the various correlations between markets.
  3. Trade Room: A new live trade advisory room where David Hunt, whom I have trained, will comment on and qualify each of the daily trade signals as well as demonstrating the correct format for the trader to enter their trading instructions on their individual trading platforms.
John Gallwas: Is there anything in "What's New" that you can share with our readers at this time?

John Needham: A newer development is our long term trend charts which I have been publishing for the public at large on my website since December 09. The logic and rational behind these trend charts is contained in an article "Knowing the trend" which is available at Financial Sense and under the articles tab at my website. The trader who takes the time to review these charts, I believe, will be amazed at how long markets actually trend once they get into the DC regression channel. The long term trend charts ("LTTC") are based on a 6-day trading week which is the correct way to compile time charts of any nature, and within those long term trend charts we are seeing significant swing trading and long term trading opportunities.

From the LTTCs, we have posted on our website some of the Danielcode "Time" cycles. Of course we know that no advisory service can accurately predict with certainty future trends, but it is interesting to note that we have had some great success, including accurately calling the April high in the S&P as well as the recent tops in Gold and DX, which can be seen on our website.

Join John Needham at the Union League Club of Chicago on August 16th for a free seminar from 10:00am-5:00pm to learn about Danielcode theory, trade execution, and DC "Time" cycles as well as what the future holds for US Equity markets.
Sign up today »

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This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
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