striker report
Vadim Epstein
Founder and CEO,
Program(s) Developed: MetaTrader, NinjaTrader, cTrader, TradingView, MultiCharts and TradeStation custom coding support
Interviewed by William Gallwas
Striker's William Gallwas recently met up with Vadim Epstein, Founder of Emet Trading Solutions, at the Chicago Money Show in person. Emet-Trading Solutions today is helping traders worldwide with their trading algorithms and code and recognized as one of the most credible companies in the industry that specializes in this niche. Striker itself has known of Vadim Epstein for over ten years when he managed a team who developed over 300 projects for Israel-based Strategy Runner (which sadly was brought down by the collapse of MF Global in 2012). But seeing the continuing need for his programming services, Emet Trading Solutions expanded and today helps code futures traders, forex, stocks, and even cyber currency trading programs.
William Gallwas: Since our last interview with you in 2012, how have the last seven years been for the continued success of Emet Trading Solutions? I imagine most of your business is via customer referrals?

Vadim Epstein: We promote the business though various channels but one of the keys to success is customers' satisfaction. Unlike other developers our business is not just "we have made the delivery, now we are busy on other projects" but rather our focus is to provide the best service and make sure customer is happy by the result that we deliver. We provide ongoing technical support and a dedicated developer to answer all of customer's questions during the testing phase.

William Gallwas: As I understand it, in the early days, Emet was primarily working in futures and commodities. How has that changed and evolved today?

Vadim Epstein: Actually there is no much difference for us which instrument the trader trades. We work with any of them - forex, futures, commodities, stocks. The most important is which trading platform the trader uses. As our coding is based on the trading platform. We code for NinjaTrader, MetaTrader (both MT4 & MT5), Ctrader, TradingView, TradeStation, MultiCharts and others. The trader just chooses a broker and trading platform that is supported by his broker. Sometimes a trader decides that his needs grow and a trading platform does not meet his new needs. Thus he wants to migrate his system to another platform. e.g. convert the code from NinjaTrader to MT4. Since we have a vast experience with various platforms and programmers specialized on various platforms we can do this work smoothly. We are very punctilious when choosing talents. We understand the importance of the details in such areas as trading and we do our best to make sure a customer may rely on us.

William Gallwas: As you know, at Striker, we work with many 3rd party system developers and publish their actual performance daily. What services could you provide these professional developers who are already in business?

Vadim Epstein: This is exactly what professional developers who are already in business need. Our focus is coding custom automation for traders. In other words we turn trader's manual buys and sells into custom automated trading robot that buys and sells automatically based on trader's own algorithm. We also code custom indicators, dashboards, trading panels, etc. of varying complexity for a great number of trading platforms.

William Gallwas: Do you provide a non-use, non-disclosure? Do you co-own systems?

Vadim Epstein: All the result of our work that we do on customer's behalf belongs to a customer. This also means that we deliver the source code that is a result of such a work. We write a neat code, use clear naming and readable structure so the code is fully understandable also for another professional programmer.

We keep all information 100% confidential, even for those customers who do not request it, but we can sign an NDA if a customer wishes to ensure his peace of mind. In any case, we have already developed hundreds of projects and are not interested in sharing trade secrets and strategies. Our customers can rest assured that their information remains private and fully protected.

This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
Developers Interviewed:
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