Robin Gray
System Developer
Program(s) Developed: Bob Dylan Trading System
Interviewed by John F. Gallwas, Founder of Striker Securities, Inc.
Robin Gray is a professional trader who has computerized his personal trading systems he can also lease his proprietary trading systems to other traders. Based in Great Britain Mr. Gray hints for his love of music and arts has he names his systems after various classic rock groups or legends including The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and Bob Dylan. In this month we sat down with Mr. Gray to examine the success of Bob Dylan live at Striker since August 2014 and currently up +73.55% a/o Feb 1, 2015 (all results are actual and include commission, fees, and monthly subscription).
John F. Gallwas: Tell us about yourself and what let you to develop trading systems?
Robin Gray: I first got involved with trading during the tech boom and learned technical analysis from the multitude of sources appearing on the web. Like many, I learned through an expensive period of trial and error until I settled on a core set of techniques which has proven to be robust since then. 15 years and counting! John F. Gallwas: Striker: In which kind of markets do your systems work best? Robin Gray: I only apply my systems to the S&P500. However, they could be used to swing trade the DOW and NASDAQ since all three indices generally move together. The NASDAQ generally leading, of course. John F. Gallwas: Is it a bull and bear trending system? Robin Gray: The BOB DYLAN system has been trading successfully for 14 years now in both up and down markets. I fully expect that to continue when we see some selling this year. Which will happen in my opinion. John F. Gallwas: Does it use fixed stops or trailing stops and on what basis? Robin Gray: An initial stop is placed then moved as the trade progresses. John F. Gallwas: Does it use fixed or variable profit targets and how are they typically calculated( volatility, trading day calculation etc)? Robin Gray: My systems use a number of end of day indicators and enter and exit trades when conditions are right. There is no set profit targets per trade. John F. Gallwas: How long does it stay in a trade. Minimum, max & average? Robin Gray: The systems stay in trades from 1 to 10 days. The average being around 5 trading days. John F. Gallwas: In a situation of uncharacteristic drawdown from the norm, at what point do you become alarmed and ask the question do we continue trading the system? Robin Gray: The charts generally tell me everything although there is an element of discretion involved in my systems. It really depends on what's happening out there. I have noticed again and again over the years that very bad news that results in a major sell off results in a good buying opportunity. If the system exits at a loss on bad news it generally enters again on a bounce. John F. Gallwas: Will you be developing more systems in 2015? Robin Gray: Yes, I have just started a day trading ES emini system that is doing well and will be at Striker soon.
This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be
a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of
trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider
whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
Developers Interviewed:
![]() Thomas Stridsman (Alfa Axiom Fund, of Alfakraft AB, a Swedish fund management company.) ![]()
Published at Striker Securities, Inc.
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