striker report
Murray A. Ruggiero, Jr.
Chief System Designer and Market Analyst Tuttle Tactical Management Stamford Connecticut
Program(s) Developed: Using Easylanguage 9X Book and
Interviewed by John F. Gallwas, Founder of Striker Securities, Inc.
Since the early 1990's, Murray Ruggiero Jr., after earning a degrees in physics and computer science, has pioneered neural net and artificial intelligence to develop trading systems for the financial markets. He is the Chief System Designer and Market Analyst at "Tuttle Tactical Management". He is also Vice President of Research and Development at "TradersStudio Inc", where he designed a trading system development and testing platform which has been sold for over 10 years. Moreover, as a contributing editor for "Futures Magazine" since 1994, he continues to be on the cutting edge of markets and a broad range of technical trading methodologies. Murray was a leading "TradeStation" developer during the 1990's, and was even featured on the cover of "Omega World". He has recently updated and co-authored the legendary book which was originally published in the 1990's, "Using EasyLanguage 9.X". He has also launched as a source for TradeStation users to go for education and tools.
John F. Gallwas: You were one of the top Easylanguage experts in the world why did you leave the community?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: I stopped working with TradeStation because it did not have the features I needed. This is why I developed my own backtesting platform, TradersStudio, that is used for portfolio analysis, advance trade, and risk management. I needed a tool for a basket of markets and trading systems, this was not available anywhere in 2002. In addition I wanted to have a tool to properly trade portfolios of equities, dealing with splits and dividends. This became important because Tuttle Tactical Management uses TradersStudio to manage over 200 million dollars in ETF's.

John F. Gallwas: Why Did you come back to TradeStation's Easylanguage?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: I had a long time client who wanted to trade forex markets real time using a mechanical system and TradersStudio is not real time, only backtesting intra-day. The project has large enough for me to dive back in. I also saw how well Sunny Harris’s book was doing and decided to update as a co-author the Using EasyLanguage book, I bought the right to in 1996. Many people know the original book as the Putt book, because the original author was Arthur J Putt and we sold almost 5000 copies over the years if you add up the three additions that where published before 2001.

John F. Gallwas: Tell our readers about your new "Using Easylanguage 9.X" book and who is it for?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: Using EasyLanguage 9.X is for beginner to intermediate level EasyLanguage users. Sunny Harris edited the book and also wrote the forward to it. The book starts with understanding the basics concepts of programming and then moves to cover developing indicators, show me strategies, expert commentary and user functions. It also handles programming the graphic objects like text and trend lines. The AutoTrend line drawing example is worth the price of the book alone.

John F. Gallwas: How can our readers purchase this book?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: The book is available on Amazon, but without the ELD code. The Amazon listing will let you look inside the book where you can see the table of contents.

The ELD code for the book and book is also available on

John F. Gallwas: How does help Tradestation users?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: My plan is to make the go to place for TradeStation EasyLanguage users. The site is designed to be the portal for TradeStation education and tools. Currently there is no place for user to get simple third party tools with open code and educational resources to learn how to use TradeStation and become a successful trader.

The leasing model of systems from TradeStation means that third party developers don't have a place where they have access to the user base to provide low cost educational services as well as simple tools, indicators and open code to help users make the best use of TradeStation. At we also have free code and tutorials on TradeStation. We will be adding content to the site regularly as well as on YouTube on our UsingEasyLanguage channel.

John F. Gallwas: Are you supplying all the content for the site ?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: No we have a series of EasyLanguage experts who have signed on to help us with the site. These Include, Sunny Harris, George Pruitt, Samual Tennis, and Miles Dunbar. If you register on the site you can even submit projects which our experts will bid on. These experts have committed to help with content, both articles and free code. Currently we have a free version of my Intermarket Divergence tool available as well as a Pattern testing tool which was submitted with an article by George Pruitt.

John F. Gallwas: So where are you going from here?

Murray Ruggiero Jr: My goal is to make the best TradeStation EasyLanguage resource for Tradestation users and the best tools at a reasonable price to the TradeStation community.

I am also releasing my TradersStudio Turbo and launching a new web site. The new version of TradersStudio is multicore and runs 10 times faster on a six core machine on a portfolio. We plan on also making site content rich to help traders learn how to develop reliable systems and combine them into profitable trading plans. Multicore software offers speed. Computers are now faster and that means we can use more adaptive and dynamic trading technologies which can adapt to today's changing markets. This is an exciting time to be involved in trading systems.

This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
Developers Interviewed:
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