striker report
Don Wolf
System Developer
Program(s) Developed: Alpha Blend
Interviewed by John F. Gallwas, Founder of Striker Securities, Inc.
Mr. Don Wolf (Wolf Systems) is a professional trader who has computerized his personal trading systems he can also lease his proprietary trading systems to other traders. He has years of experience working with a Chicago-based Futures Commission Merchant (FMC) and learned about Striker close of 2014. In this month we sat down again with Mr. Wolf to examine the success of Alpha Blend live at Striker since October 2014 and currently up +44.93% a/o May 8th, 2015 (all results are actual and include commission, fees, and monthly subscription).
John F. Gallwas: Thanks for letting us interview you again Don and we are impressed with your consitency in trading. Tell us again about yourself will you?

Don Wolf: I have spent the last 30 years successfully trading and developing systems. I started trading Silver and Gold while in school and was so successful I decided to bypass University. I concentrated on creating automated trading systems using a math and algorithmic base. I soon partnered with family to profitably trade several systems before moving out on my own. It is only recently that I have decided to offer systems for others participation. Trading is my life's work and I take great pride in my systems.

John F. Gallwas: Alpha Blend has done very well the last 6 months and has been a top performer with controlled draw downs so can you elaborate on how and why it's done so well?

Don Wolf: Yes Alpha Blend as of today, May 6th 2015 is up +44.93% since October 14, 2014 while the max month to month drawdown was 16.45%. Since Alpha Blend is a day trading system designed to capture short term trends it eliminates overnight risk events. As well, a trade filter eliminates trading where volatility from previous sessions is too high for the system parameters. The use of vigorous stops, instrument/sector diversity and the ability to go long and short helps to control risk too.

John F. Gallwas: Don, can you elaborate on how Alpha Blend has profited and what markets have done well lately?

Don Wolf: Since Alpha Blend is diversified across numerous sectors and instruments, it can take advantage of numerous trending markets and not forced to focus on a narrow target especially when they are not trending. For instance, at the end of January the system caught several trades in the energies that were highly profitable. In April the system captured profitable trades in Gold, Silver and Coffee. Alpha Blend with its diversification has the ability to ignore non trending markets while moving on to trending ones as opposed to having a narrow focus.

John F. Gallwas: Do you have any other new systems in the works?

Don Wolf: Yes I just launched a counter trend system that looks extremely promising and should compliment Alpha Blend very well. Stay tuned this will soon be tracked as well!

This interview is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation of any kind. Trade only with risk capital. The risk of trading can be substantial and each investor and/or trader must consider whether trading systems are a suitable investment.
Developers Interviewed:
Published at Striker Securities, Inc.
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